Feb 3, 2011

A list of PEOPLES

A list of 3.
3 PEOPLES that I lurve and miss bout now, bout always.

My Mishnary
An absolutely amazing boy and an even better missionary.

My Fam Damily
I have 3 Brilliant Brothers, 4 Sensational Sisters, 2 Neat Nephews, 1 Nifty Niece and 2 Perfect parents.

My Ace Gang
(Who is sick of these two pictures? Not me, Not EVER!)

That's right, I have more than one best friend, I have 10. One who isn't pictured above is Ashley. Best friend is not a term I use loosely either. These girls are the greatest friends that anyone could ask for.

Life would not be the same without these peoples.

Hey guys, remember this?

bahahahaha! Sucker...

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